
Advanced Manual Therapy

Instead of only focusing on your symptoms, I specialize in certain hands-on modalities that help your body address the root causes of what is prohibiting your body from finding a better balance — yielding less pain, more flexibility and greater function.

In my more than two decades as a physical therapist, I have found an integration of specialized therapeutic approaches to be most effective in helping my patients, — particularly those not responding to conventional or other treatment approaches, or medication.

In terms of what this can address, the answer is a general “everything.” From acute to chronic pain; to fibromyalgia; nerve pain to migraines/headaches; digestive issues to neck, back and joint pain; pelvic issues, including pain and incontinence; diastasis recti; and more — the list goes on.

You will be provided with a synthesis of specialized manual therapy techniques - including visceral and neural manipulation, craniosacral therapy and others - combined with traditional physical therapy philosophy as well as yoga, depending on what’s best for you.

All sessions are one-on-one, and individually customized and tailored to work with your body’s needs to achieve desired results.

Peter Coppola, PT, BI-D, RYT

Coppola Manual Therapy: Modalities

Peter offers a variety of therapeutic approaches and tailors each session to the needs and goals of each individual:


  • Advanced Visceral Manipulation

  • Neural Manipulation (cranial and peripheral)

  • Global Joint Treatment

  • CranioSacral Therapy

  • Advanced Lymphatic Drainage Therapy


  • Pediatric Developmentally-Based Therapy

  • Muscle Energy Techniques

  • Joint Mobilization

  • Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)

  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

  • Sports Exercise Enhancement